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  • Epiandrosterone
  • Increase's lean muscle tissue
  • No water retention or estrogen conversion
  • PCT and Gear support is recommended

Liposomal products are designed to achieve a 99% absorption rate, achieved through both a fat-soluble coating and water-soluble coating of the supplement to bypass the liver and be immediately shuttled into the bloodstream. Normally, oral supplements have to pass through the liver at least 3 times before actually entering the bloodstream; by the time that happens you're only utilizing 33% of the supplement. SuperStrol-7 is the latest prohormone from Blackstone Labs. Androgenic and anabolic, SuperStrol-7 will provide lean and dry muscle growth for both men and women. Add this to any cycle to increase your results in athletic performance and strength.

$64.99 Price: $55.24

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