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Our Products


  • 19 Nor DHEA
  • Great for bulking, size and strength
  • 6x more anabolic than testosterone
  • PCT is recommended

Liposomal products are designed to achieve a 99% absorption rate, achieved through both a fat-soluble coating and water-soluble coating of the supplement to bypass the liver and be immediately shuttled into the bloodstream. Normally, oral supplements have to pass through the liver at least 3 times before actually entering the bloodstream; by the time that happens you're only utilizing 33% of the supplement. You know Blackstone Labs is anything but normal. We push the extremes in everything we do, and it’s only fitting that we’ve created the ultimate abnormal muscle builder. AbNORmal is an incredibly powerful 19-NorDHEA supplement offering superior bioavailability for maximum muscle growth and increased testosterone production.

$64.99 Price: $55.24

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