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Conventional fat burners are all the same -- cobble together as many stimulants as you can under a proprietary blend and cram them all in a tiny capsule. While this approach makes for higher profit margins, it does nothing for your fat loss desires and in all likelihood makes you feel on edge or stimmed out. Therein lies the problem -- true fat burning isn’t about taking a bunch of stims, it’s about enhancing your body’s natural fat burning mechanisms to search out and destroy unsightly body fat. Now, you can get all the fat burning benefits of a traditional fat burner WITHOUT the truckload of unwanted stims in Trojan Horse.
Trojan Horse is your secret weapon to invade stubborn fat cells and blast them into oblivion. Using a collection of proven stimulant-free fat burning ingredients, Trojan Horse helps you lose weight fast, but without the anxiety, jitters, or crash of traditional fat burners. With Trojan Horse, you can take the war to fat’s front door and knock it down for good.
Everyone knows they need to eat more fruits and veggies. The problem is, after suffering from decades of bland, mushy, overcooked produce, you’re left with more disdain for it than the guy doing curls in the squat rack!
Blackstone Labs has the solution to your fruit and veggie needs in Juiced Up. Yes, protein and carbs are necessary to building a massive physique, but if your insides are rotting away, all those muscles won’t do a lick of good. Juiced Up is packed with 100% micronized fruits, veggies, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants that will help fight off any free radical present in your body, defending you from the harsh effects of oxidative stress.
Juiced Up is the strongest and most powerful fruit and veggie blend available. Plus, you’ll actually enjoy getting in your greens as Juiced Up tastes amazing. No grassy, chalky, or chunky texture like so many other greens formulas on the market. Fuel your insides so they're as powerful as your outside with Juiced Up.
Heading into the gym you should be focused on one thing and one thing only -- complete and utter destruction of the iron. To get your mind and muscles prepared for the impending battle with the weights, you need a pre workout that emboldens you with the fire of 1,000 suns and the energy of a supernova. You need a cutting-edge pre-workout that will push you to the utmost extreme and then a little more.
You need Dust X!
Dust X is the single most powerful and explosive pre-workout ever formulated. Each scoop delivers intense, long-lasting energy and sleeve-splitting pumps that will make you never want to leave the gym. Hardcore training demands a hardcore pre workout, and for that the only option is Dust X!
25 Servings
Dust Reloaded is a hardcore pre-workout that greatly enhances gym performance by increasing energy levels, focus, and gives you that edge to push through even the toughest RPEs. This addition to the Dust line of Pre-workouts comes in three great flavors with more to come soon.
In This Stack
Anogenin is a non-hormonal muscle builder that will help you increase your muscle mass, decrease your body fat, and enhance your performance and recovery. EpiCat enhances your body’s fat-burning and muscle-building potential, naturally. Growth boosts your body’s HGH-producing potential, and helps you get better quality sleep.
In This Stack
Anogenin is a non-hormonal muscle builder that will help you increase your muscle mass, decrease your body fat, and enhance your performance and recovery. EpiCat enhances your body’s fat-burning and muscle-building potential, naturally.
In This Stack
Blackstone Labs - Ultimate DHEA Bulking Stack
AbNORmal is the ultimate muscle builder, a 19-Nor DHEA supplement that will dramatically improve muscle growth. Brutal 4ce is a non-liver toxic muscle gainer, that will boost testosterone and help you gain both mass and strength, fast. Chosen1 is a 1-DHEA-based supplement that will produce maximum lean gains. It will help you pack on the muscle, without the unwanted fat that sometimes comes with bulking.
Eradicate is a strong, arimistane-powered estrogen inhibitor.
Gear Support is a vital organ-support supplement, designed to protect and purify your body’s systems while on an aggressive supplement cycle.
Metha-Quad Extreme contains four of the most effective muscle-building, testosterone-boosting compounds on Earth all enveloped in Cyclosome Delivery
Technology to provide maximum uptake and utilization by the body.
PCT V is a post-cycle support supplement, designed to preserve gains made during an aggressive supplement cycle, while restoring the body to homeostasis.
In This Stack
Paraburn is a potent thermogenic supplement, designed to burn fat, suppress the appetite, and boost your energy levels.
Anogenin is a non-hormonal muscle builder that will help you increase your muscle mass, decrease your body fat, and enhance your performance and recovery. EpiCat enhances your body’s fat-burning and muscle-building potential, naturally.
In this Stack
Apex Male is a natural testosterone production booster.
PCT V is a post-cycle support supplement, designed to preserve gains made during an aggressive supplement cycle, while restoring the body to Blackstone Labshomeostasis.
Real, pure IGF-1. With the successful extraction of insulin-like growth factor type 1 from whey protein, SST-1: IGF is a revolutionary discovery for all athletes. Blackstone Labs used a molecular biological technique to extract 175 ug/100g, which is a substantial amount of IGF-1. Blackstone Labs has found a way to make this revolutionary compound affordable with the development of efficient extraction methods from whey peptides for the production of IGF-1.
An IGF-1 precursor and growth hormone mimic, SST-1: GH will increase and develop new muscle. If improved sense of well being, increased muscle mass and protein synthesis, increased lean muscle, higher energy levels, increased endurance, increased flexibility, increased libido (sexual performance) and improved immune function are your goals - then SST-1: GH from Blackstone is just what the doctor ordered!
Liposomal products are designed to achieve a 99% absorption rate, achieved through both a fat-soluble coating and water-soluble coating of the supplement to bypass the liver and be immediately shuttled into the bloodstream. Normally, oral supplements have to pass through the liver at least 3 times before actually entering the bloodstream; by the time that happens you're only utilizing 33% of the supplement.
EpiSmash, containing 100mg of Laxogenin and 150mg of Epicatechin in a single liposomal tablet, is up to 25x more potent than other Laxogenin and Epicatechin products. EpiSmash is safe for both men and women to take. Anyone can use this product! Whether you're trying to stay completely natural, bridge between cycles, on post-cycle therapy and trying to maintain gains, EpiSmash is for you. EpiSmash is also great for women who are trying to cut OR bulk.
EpiSmash, utilizing liposomal technology, is the strongest natural anabolic that any athlete has ever taken.
In This Stack
Eradicate is a strong, arimistane-powered estrogen inhibitor.
Gear Support is a vital organ-support supplement, designed to protect and purify your body’s systems while on an aggressive supplement cycle. PCT V is a post-cycle support supplement, designed to preserve gains made during an aggressive supplement cycle, while restoring the body to homeostasis.
The Women’s Wellness stack is fortified with products that will not only burn fat, but will build muscle, too. These are products that are safe for the ladies, that will help you burn fat while building muscle, effortlessly.
In This Stack
In this Stack